Wednesday, August 13, 2008

New Drawing Series

I started a new series of drawings with a feral child theme. I don't like how the bone pile looks. I'm not sure if its the shadow, the shape, the composition of it, or all three. what do you think?

Painting updates

The top mask just needs some work in the background, and I think the other two might be done. We'll see how I feel in a few days.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

More work in progress, still

This mask is getting closer.

More work

The most recent developments in my painting:

Monday, July 7, 2008

New film

As an assignment from Miss Stacy's Summer School, I made a new video called "Vanitas". Watch it here.

In Progress-Updates

Today I started two more mask paintings.

Here is the first mask painting after the second session. Once its really dry, most of the rest will be done with layers of glazing.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Painting In Progress: Gypsy Mask

Lately I've been working with chaep plastic Halloween masks from the 1960's-80's that I've collected. Now I'm starting my first painting in what I hope to be a series. This first one is supposed to be a gypsy. I remember these well! Here's the results of the first session, the underpainting, which was done over an orange-red acrylic ground. The rest will be in oils. I'm going to let the underpainting dry for a few days before I start modeling the mask more.

Portrait Project - Finished

Here is a mostly finished version of the portrait. I have to become a better photographer of my work!!!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Work in Progress-Portrait

As part of Miss Stacey's Summer School, I am working on a portrait of my mother and aunts. It is based on an old snapshot taken as they left to see the Beach Boys in Hollywood. The medium is oil on canvas.

At the first painting session I sketched out the figures and painted the faces. My goal was to capture a close likeness without overworking too much.
At the second session I focused on hair and clothing. I'm not quite sure about the background yet.